Thursday, September 15, 2011

Should you change the air filter in your car after a wild fire?

We've had some pretty nasty wild fires here including one that involves smoldering peat moss. Should I just go ahead and change the filter out or is there a way to clean it?
Should you change the air filter in your car after a wild fire?
You could blow it with compressed air ,but that really does'nt do a good job as a new one would.

As with after a fire ,the fine particles from the ashes and soot can diminish the air filters effectiveness quickly, that is if you had been driving it during the time the ashes and soot were in the air .If it was'nt used for a couple of days after the fire then it might be ok. But I'd change it any way. You would probably notice a difference in the performance .

I waited until about a month to change the ones in my vehicles, after we had the wild fires here in San DIego a few years ago
Should you change the air filter in your car after a wild fire?
such just take it out and maybe shake it/ and see if sooty?
I would remove it and check it, see how dirty it really is. You can try blowing it out with air from the back side, in other words, from the engine side out. If air flows freely, it is most likely ok. If in doubt, change it, most air filters are not that expensive. Also depends on how long ago it was changed, if has been a while, change it. It's cheap insurance.
no if its not old ts fine
why not change it. it is the fresh air system for your engine. they are cheap why skimp. if it is clogged a little then you start to use more fuel. the cost equals out.
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