i have come across a web page a while back which described how to clean the air filter of a car, i have a combustion air filter can it be cleaned using products that you can get from a local store?
Can an automobile's air filter be cleaned instead of changing it?
If you have a K%26amp;N air filter or a different brand that is designed to be cleaned and reused then yes it is ok. A stock paper or cloth air filter should be replaced when needed. When you use compressed air to clean an air filter, it can cause rips in the material and dirt can get through into your engine. The price you pay for the filter is worth the peice of mind of knowing that you won't have any problems.
Can an automobile's air filter be cleaned instead of changing it?
Paper filters can never be cleaned succesfully. Gauze or cloth based filters (like K%26amp;N) are designed to be cleaned in special solvent and re-oiled.
only if you have a reusable one like K%26amp;N or Airhog ..
yes it can ,,if you have a god air compressor or a good vacuum with a blower on it i clean a lot of them out instead of buying new ones,i own a repair shop,and do a lot of service work,and sometimes all they need is cleaned out real good,i hope this help,s.good luck.
Blowing air back through the filter with a compresser is very effective.
The answer is yes though it is probably better to buy a new one
It also depends on what type of car it is older models were far easier to do this on. Now a lot of air filters are connected to the breather systems and engine management systems and cleaning the filter can affect the performance and fuel economy of the car.
Try specialist air filter companies they often have products specially designed for cleaning filters and oils to lubricate them
no, other than knocking or vacuuming off the loose dust and dirt there is no way to clean an ordinary paper element air filter, any spray etc will probably just clog it.
just replace it, even the cheap ones are ok, just has to be clean
yes u can vacum it depending on the type and the state of it
For what they cost to buy? stop tking the piss.
no deffinatly no, only reusable ones can be cleaned
k%26amp;n, jet ex that sort of thing
You must have been looking at an old book modern micro air filters do not clean well, fluids could make them denser which would make them restrict air flow .LESS AIR MORE FUEL,
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