Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where and how do I change the cabin air filter in a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500?

Does it even have one? Where is it and how do I change it? Could that be slowing down my A/C output?
Where and how do I change the cabin air filter in a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500?
If they go extended periods of time without being replaced they will become heavy with dust and mold and will slow down the air coming through the ac vents. The cabin air filter is located behind the glovebox on top of the blower motor. You must remove the glovebox first. After that their should be a tray of somesort sitting on top of the blower motor. Remove the tabs that hold the tray shut and you can then pull the filter out.

It would also be a good idea to pick up an antimicrobial spray solution to kill of the the mold and other allergens that are in the ac system. Any auto parts store will sell it along with your cabin air filter. The spray is $10 and the filter goes for about $20.
Where and how do I change the cabin air filter in a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500?
Those trucks do not have cabin air filter

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